DYOM » Text Tutorials » How to make more objectives texts

How to make more objectives texts

By Crowe

How to make two objectives text?
In a lot of missions there are more texts for the objectives, I saw that may designer want to use the same trick for their own missions so I made this tutorial.
To have multiple texts in one objectives follow these simple steps:
1- Press Y
2- Select objectives, then add objective.
3- Add a special objective and select timeout.
4- Set the timer at 2/3 seconds and select show time: no
5- Add the objective (checkpoint, actors, cars, cutscenes...)
Save the mission and run it, this should be the result: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBjEK2GMqrg&feature=plcp
Note: you can always add more than two texts for objectives, you can use 50 texts but it will be boring.


Sep 18 '12
Last Update
Sep 18 '12


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